“Music has charms to soothe a savage breast.”
William Congreve put it in 1697
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All my life I only thought of listening to music as a source of pleasure and inspiration. Giving a child comprehensive musical education, teaching them languages and social skills were for centuries privilege’s of upper and rich class. Thanks to many researches conducted in most famous world educational establishments music rapidly gained its true and valuable status in our daily life. Many schools in developed countries have introduced music and made it part of learning curriculum. Undervalued in the past music is now given its proper status of important subject along math, languages and science.
Needless to say, Music is the most powerful language that we start understanding before we even learn to speak and comprehend words. Famous Mozart effect widely used by parents and caregivers to helping babies to develop cognitively and communicate through magical sounds of music .
“In every era of human history and in every society around the globe, music has allowed people to express their feelings and communicate with others. More than simply expressing emotions, music can alter them; as British dramatist William Congreve put it in 1697, “Music has charms to soothe a savage breast.”
“A wealth of new studies is touting the benefits of music on mental and physical health. For example, in a meta-analysis of 400 studies, Levitin and his postgraduate research fellow, Mona Lisa Chanda, PhD, found that music improves the body’s immune system function and reduces stress. Listening to music was also found to be more effective than prescription drugs in reducing anxiety before surgery” (Trends in Cognitive Sciences, April, 2013).
Listening to Mozart compositions in particular, stimulates a pattern of brain wave activity linked to memory, cognition and problem solving.
We live in times of great uncertainties which became an enormous source of stress and mental illnesses among young and old. It is like never before taking care of our mental health become crucial in order to stay strong and overcome the problem humanity facing today victoriously. Many studies have found that music can provide pain relief, sooth, relax, stimulate cognition, improve mood and etc. According to research published in the International Journal of Critical Illness and Injury Science in 2012, intensive -care patients sufferings from pain, as well as anxiety, depression, cardiovascular issues, and sleep disorders, can significantly benefit from listening to classical music. If you can’t seem to turn of your brain, you many want to turn on some music especially now in this stressful time of COVID-19. Some research finds that music can be used as a relaxation technique that cause the heart rate to slow down and help relieve stress by lowering the breathing rate and emotional distress, ” say, Dr Schneck. ” Studies are finding this may lower cortisol levels to help lessen anxiety.” One such study, published din Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice in 2018, looked at 180 preoperative patients and found that listening to natural sounds, classical music all reduced anxiety by lowering cortisol levels.
Listening to classical music does your body a lot of good and specifically the heart. In a study published in the journal Deutsches Aerzteblatt International in 2016, researches compared the effect of the music of Mozart and Strauss on issues related to heart health. The result was that those who listened to Mozart and Strauss had markedly lowered systolic and diastolic blood pressure, as well as lowered heart rates. Research also suggests that background music, or music that is played while the listener is primarily focused on another activity, can improve performance on cognitive tasks in older adults. This is hugely beneficial to those sometimes routine tasks that we do implement daily. When we listen to music whilst exerting ourself whilst exercising or doing any kind of work, we temporarily, subconsciously direct our senses elsewhere and that distraction works in our favour to complete what we need to do. So, the next time you are working on a task, consider turning on a little music in the background if you are looking for a boost in your mental performance.
Now in this stressful time of COVID-19 when locked is the perfect time to sit back, relax, reflect and tune in to sounds of beautiful music which will take all your worries away
There are many interesting links about benefits of music . Some of them I will be sharing with you on my channel.
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